I had organized a crew of 2 experienced sailors to help me with this first trip, but I had to cancel it just days before. The weather forecasts were so unpredictable and different weather computers published sometimes completely opposite weather predictions.

By the end of October, we got a few good calm days to get out sailing and testing everything. I had to get familiarized with our catamaran as quickly as possible. And for me, it was really worth it to do so with someone experienced. After weeks of working, it was also a delight to just sail and navigate a bit …

Finally, almost mid-November, just a few days of acceptable weather was announced. Jan, a friend, could manage to come over to La Rochelle almost immediately. He arrived Sunday evening, and we set sail that same night after a short safety briefing. In fact already one day too late, because in the meantime, conditions where once again deteriorating. But I was getting pretty desperate about leaving La Rochelle and the Bay of Biscay.

So we encountered big seas, wind most of the time opposite of our preferred direction (SW to A Coruña), and lots of rain with wind gusts of over 50kn. For a maiden trip this could count, both for ship and crew ! We arrived 65 hours later in Laredo, Spain. Not exactly what we hoped for !
Entering the marina, suddenly my starboard engine stopped working. As a result, we had to dock with only one engine. For those who know what this means on a catamaran: We managed to get secured in a berth without a scratch, but my blood pressure reached an unhealthy level.

Again, no way to continue the following days, so Jan returned to Belgium. I had my engines serviced, and decided that, if conditions were calm, I would do a next trip solo. Just a few days later, there were two days of very calm weather in between storms. Still big waves, but very little wind. So I left that afternoon Laredo marina for a 100nM trip to Gijón.

Unfortunately, I discovered that my autopilot lost the north completely and had become more or less useless. Only when I could use it on wind direction (but there was rarely enough wind for that, and changing all the time of direction), O2 was heading correctly. As if a solo trip of 20 hours without decent sleep on a new boat wasn’t enough. But I decided to continue and I had to stay most of the time in the cold night at the steering wheel. Just going to the toilet meant getting completely out of course, even making a 360° turn once. Lots of fishing boats around at night too, so not relaxing at all.

Arriving exhausted in Gijón the next morning, my starboard engine refused once again to function at low rpm. But thankfully I could get help from the marina to get me in an easy berth, again without a scratch. Better not visit a cardiologist.
For the past 5 days, I am in Gijón now, trying to find the cause of the problems. And I must say, with lots of help of my Belgian dealer, and the people of La Rochelle: Much appreciated. But my experience with the local Volvo mechanic turned out to be very frustrating. By now, we know for sure that there was dirt in the diesel tank, but cleaning that didn’t solve the problem. After lots of tests, and evaluation with technicians in France and Belgium, it is almost sure now that I take air in the fuel system. Not willing to deal with Manuel the local mechanic anymore, I will, as a temporary solution, shortcut some filters and tubes to be able to continue safely to my next destination, Viveiro, normally a bit more than a 24hour trip. Once there, it should be possible to finally leave the Bay of Biscay, passing Cap Finestra, doing an extended daytrip in the direction of Portugal. Hoping to find some days that the wind turns NE or NW, allowing an easier sail southwards. And maybe, I can find someone to join me on that trip?
But right now, sitting here at my chart table and typing this report, I just look at the rain pouring down once again, shaking the boats on their mooring lines, and huge breaking waves hitting the harbor wall and marina entrance. I stay put !
11 comments on “AUTUMN IN THE BAY OF BISCAY – nov.2019”
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Proficiat Luc, je hebt het gedaan en goed zeg!
Om zo’n momenten denk ik triestig aan Octaaf. Het was zo zijn wens geweest maar het heeft niet mogen zijn!
Geniet verder van jullie avontuur!
Hallo Chris, ik denk zeilend ook dikwijls aan hem. Weet dat Octaaf me zei dat ik dubbel moest genieten, ook voor hem. Luc
Wow Luc, wat een verhaal. Respect ✊ man. Voor de boot zijn de ontberingen natuurlijk prima. Op deze manier worden de kinderziekten snel zichtbaar en kan de producent nog helpen. Dat de stress soms uit je oren spuit, kan ik me helemaal voorstellen. Het ga je goed. Wel je eigen veiligheid in het oog blijven houden he!
Hallo Rolf, ja ik hoopte dikwijls dat je er bij kon zijn. En inderdaad, voor de boot is het een uitstekende test. Maar ook voor mij. Ik weet nu hoe ze zich gedraagt en heb er veel vertrouwen in gekregen. Maar lees vooral ook de nieuwe post die ik vandaag online zet. Luc
Zeilen is ontspannend. Jadadde.
Courage. Het komt nog.
Hallo Johan,
Eerder grensverleggend op dit ogenblik. Maar ontspanning volgt 🙂
Amai Luc, wat een begin !
Onwaarschijnlijk hoe je dit allemaal gecoördineerd en gedaan hebt, het verbaasd me niet helemaal ‘-).
Ook voor je eerste zeemijlen met O2 wordt je op de proef gesteld… je zou voor minder een verhoogde hartslag krijgen.
O2 ziet er in elk geval fantastisch uit ! Proficiat met deze nieuwe aanwinst.
We wensen jullie veel geluk en fantastische avonturen op de wereldzeeën met haar!
Leuk dat we jullie terug kunnen volgen.
Hallo Stefanie en Björn, ik had het mij ook wel lichtjes anders voorgesteld, dat begin. Maar zoals iemand eerder zei, moeilijke omstandigheden maken een betere zeiler van je. Hopelijk volgende week eens heerlijk downwind zeilen naar Portugal !?
Wauw, over avontuur gesproken!
Wij lezen mee. Safe travels
Silke, Maarten en Suse
Hey Silke en Maarten, ik probeer het veilig te houden. Tof dat jullie ook ingepikt hebben. Altijd welkom.
Hey Silke en Maarten, leuk dat jullie ook ingepikt hebben. Ik probeer het veilig te houden. Altijd welkom !